
Autograd is an Automatic Differentiation (AD) software library.

Differentiation is a fundamental mathematical operation that underpins much of science and engineering. Differentiation is used to describe how a function changes with respect to a specific variable. Differential equations are common throughout science and engineering; from modeling the evolution of bacteria to calculating rocket thrust over time to predictive machine learning algorithms, the ability to rapidly compute accurate differential equations is of great interest.

The symbolic derivative of a function is precise; however as the function of interest become more complex, the symbolic derivative becomes increasingly difficult to determine. Numeric methods can be used to compute the derivative of such functions. The finite difference approach uses the definition of a derivative to estimate the derivative of a function; however, it suffers from low accuracy and instability.

AD is able to compute an approximation of the derivative of a function, without computing a symbolic expression of the derivative and with machine precision accuracy.

AD has many applications across Science and Engineering, the most popular one these days being Deep Neural Networks. These models try to fit a function with >*10M* parameters to a dataset. To do so, they use Gradient Descent algorithms using gradient approximations provided by AD. Famous applications include Alpha Go, Self-Driving Cars and Image Recognition.