
Autograd can be install though pypi and from our GitHub repository. The recommended way to install autograd is through pypi.

Pypi installation

Pypi installation:

pip install dragongrad

GitHub Installation

  1. Create a virtual environment:

    cd my_directory
    virtualenv my_env
  2. Activate the virtual environment:

    source my_env/bin/activate
  3. Download Package from GutHub (or clone) and Unzip:

  4. Install Dependencies using Pip:

    pip install -r cs207-FinalProject-master/requirements.txt
  5. Install autograd – this step is Very Important:

    cd cs207-FinalProject-master
    python3 install


autograd works with Python3.

Both installation methods will install the correct version of Numpy, It is recommended install this software in a virtual environment.

Dependencies - Numpy.